Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Saying Good-Bye

Today, we buried my grandfather.  Obviously, it was a sad day, but there were moments of laughter as well.  We did the graveside ceremony first, with just the family.  I held it together until I saw my grandmother carrying my grandpa's urn (which was his tackle box) from the funeral vehicle to the graveside.  In all my life, I have never seen my grandma look so heartbroken and despondent.  It broke my heart and opened my flood gates.  After the pastor spoke, one member from each family stepped forward and placed a rose on the grave.  It was at this time, we could take the opportunity to put our "farewell letter" into a velvet bag, beside the urn.  After I had written my letter to Grandpa, I put the font extra-large so that he would be able to read it.  And then I remembered that where he is, he now has perfect vision :)

The church ceremony was extremely touching. Once the other guests were seated, our family was lead into the sanctuary by the Saskatoon Firefighters' Honour Guard. They lined the aisle as we walked between them. The Honour Guard was made up of current firefighters, as well as men who worked on the team with Grandpa. When the ceremony was over, our family was lead outside. There, we were met by another group of Honour Guard members who were lined up in front of two firetrucks. One of the members read aloud "The Fireman's Prayer", followed by a moment of silence. The silence was broken by the firetruck's siren giving a final blast.  It was a very fitting tribute to a very dedicated firefighter.

We love and miss you, Grandpa.


  1. So sorry about your Grandpa Jyl. We almost lost my Grandma this summer and my other Grandpa is not doing well either. I guess we're old enough to be having elderly Grandparents. We are now the "parents" and OUR parents are now the "Grandparents". Life goes by too fast sometimes. Sounds like your Grandpa lived his to the fullest :)

  2. Thanks Carmen :) Even though you know the time has to come eventually, it still doesn't stop it from hurting any less.
