Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Birth Story: Part Two

So, to continue Mister A's entrance into this world: as soon as he was out and up onto to my tummy, I started to cry.  A was crying his tiny little head off and I was relived to both see he was perfect and hear that his pipes were working (his teeny peeny was also working, as evident by his peeing all over me).  Mike had tears in his eyes as well and kept bending down to kiss me on my forehead and telling me, "I don't know how you did that...I am so proud of you!!".

My doctor quickly suctioned out A's mouth, but then left him on my tummy for a few more minutes.  With Miss K, I barely got to see her before they whisked her away to suction her, get oxygen into her nose and get her measurements.  I was beyond happy to have lots of cuddle time with wasn't until three hours after he was born that they finally took him to bath and measure him :)

I only had a few second degree tears, so it didn't take long for Doc to stitch me up.  Given that barely an hour had passed since we had phoned my Dad to come take K for us, he was more than a little surprised when I phoned and said, "He's here!  Come to the hospital and meet him!".  My dad's response was, "Oh shoot...I have an oil change booked for 2:00".  I pointed out to him that a new grandson trumps an oil change which made my doctor laugh.  Note to self:  if there is a man, working on your va-jay-jay with sharp needles, don't make any attempts at humour.  Of course my dad cancelled the appointment and he and K promptly joined us at the hospital to celebrate A's arrival.

After being stitched and cleaned up, the nurses moved me to my room.  I was happy to see it was the same room I had when K was born...AND that I wasn't going to have to share with another new mom (if I would have had to share a bathroom with another woman who was bleeding all over the toilet, I would have discharged myself and gone home).  The rest of the afternoon was spent making phone calls and Skyping with relatives (kudos to Becky for spotting my iPhone in the previous post...yes, I bit the bullet and bought a phone, but more about that in another post).

Because of my pre-disposition to go bat-shit crazier after my babies are born, my doctor and I had discussed my staying in hospital for a few days, but because of my hormonal high, I was ready to go home by 6:00pm that night.  However, I had to stay until 1:00pm the following day so they could do a certain blood test on A. I was home barely 24 hours after giving birth and I was flying high.  I sailed through Friday and most of Saturday, kicking ass and taking names.  The only bothersome thing was my uterine contractions (some of which hurt just as bad post-baby as they did during labor).

The last week has been spent trying to get some sort of routine happening, but mostly I'm focused on snuggling the bah-jeezus out of Andrew.  After experiencing a completely natural birth, I can honestly say I will NEVER do that again so Mr. A is definitely the final addition to our family.  I can't get enough of his little scrunched up body and I know this time is fleeting so I need to enjoy all of it...even the early morning wake-up calls :)

Well, hello Mr Blue Eyes!!

Our new normal

"I promise I'll be gentle, Mommy!"

Father and Son

My two most precious gifts, helping me celebrate my birthday :)


  1. I love this post. I hope all continues to go well with you and your family.


  2. So happy to see you so happy !!! Enjoy every moment.

