{one} Yay! Look at that! Two posts in one month! Huzzah! I MUST be feeling good! Except I'm not. I've noticed I've been slipping these last few days. Could be because my moon time is due. Except it was due eight days ago. NO I am NOT pregnant! My moon time has just been wonky since I started Prozac. Speaking of Prozac, my doctor cut me back to just 60mg after I told her how horrifically itchy I've been lately. Like itchy to the point of breaking skin and leaving bruises. Thankfully, I have a great essential oil blend from Healing Hollow called Itchy Ban that helped alleviate most of the itchiness!
{two} Andrew is registered in PreK at my old school where I went from K-7! It's going to be so neat to be back in that school and see how little the water fountains are! It would probably be creepy of me to check out the bathrooms. Andrew has been doing well with Early Childhood Intervention. The lady brings different file folder puzzles for him to do (matching shapes and colours). I honestly didn't think Andrew would be able to do them, but lo and behold, he sailed right through them! She also brought a bag of dinosaurs for him to play with. Imagine his pissed offedness when he realized she was taking them back with her! He was screaming at the living room window as she backed out of the driveway. That boy loves his dinosaurs!
{three} Miss K graduated from Kindergarten yesterday (although she still has one more day of school left next week)! They did a sweet little program where they sang some songs and then her teacher gave them each a memory book. Then it was on to the potluck lunch! Yum! So many yummy salads and goodies! Katelyn's cousin from Mexico, Isabella (Britt's daughter) was up in PA for a visit so she was able to attend the festivities as well. I know how much K loves her some Bella so it was great to have her there!
{four} We were supposed to be going to the lake this weekend but with the crappy forecast, everyone has decided against it. No fun to be at the lake and just sitting around inside…plus, there's too many people for that. So we'll have a get together on Saturday at my parents house. I'm actually thankful to not be going to the lake, just in case my moon time shows up this weekend. I hate being away from home when I have it (like last year in Boston…yuck!).
{five} I am completely in love with washing my face morning and night and taking that time for myself. I never thought I really needed skin care maintenance as I never wore foundation. When I think about all the oils that ended up on my face during the day and how I was putting that on my pillow and rolling around in it - ew!! I look forward to the washing off just as much as the putting on of the make-up. Younique gives me a confidence boost I never had before…I want to be dressed nicely and putting my best me forward. I've been making damn sure to not let that slip, even though I'm not feeling the best mentally.
Here's to possibly squeaking in one more post before June is over!
And so it goes...
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