In this recent pursuit of employment and working my butt off to rid myself of anxiety in order to do so, I forget that I already am employed...that I am a substitute teacher. When you break it down, it really is the best possible job for me. I can work on the days I feel good and X myself off on the days I don't feel good (and do so without any repercussion besides lack of payment). No one is losing out if I don't sub that day. No classes are going without a teacher. If I were to have any other job, there would be consequences, of some sort, for me to miss a day...students without a teacher for the day, most likely. Miss too many days and I'd be reprimanded or even fired.
Subbing has so many positives. If I am rocking a kick ass outfit, I can wear it multiple days in a row (if I am subbing at different schools each day). I work the same days as my kids are in school and have the same days off, so no babysitter is required. No extracurricular activities. No report cards. No parent teacher interviews. My day is done at 3:30 (sometimes a touch later if the teacher I'm subbing for has door or yard supervision but no biggie).
This week? Instead of Xing myself off for the week, I am going to be open everyday that I don't have appointments (which is Thursday). Follow along on Instagram to see which days I end up working :) And wish me luck in getting called in :)
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